

Les Increvables En Selle

Cycling and women's emancipation

Who are we ?

Les Increvables en Selle is a non profit organisation founded by three friends, brought together by their passions for cycling, the female cause and the desire to give voice to those who are often ignored. We want to celebrate the bicycle and its uniting and liberating powers and to promote its use for women of all ages, cultures, and social background. We therefore aim to lead different cultural, sporting, educational and social projects around bicycles and its use for everyone.

The founders


As a sports and health professional specialised in adapted activites and cycling, Lucie trained at the Institut de Formation du Vélo. Lulu is our networking queen on two wheels thanks to her smile and full contact book. Les Increvables is her brain child and she dreams of organising a big party with bikes and music for all the Unpuncturables we meet on the way.


Sophie trained as a journalist, specialised in travel writing and is also a web copywriter. She steers the social media, website and newsletter for Les Increvables. With dual French and English nationality, she's bilingual and will take on the translation of some of the organisation's projects. She recently discovered bike-packing and is

eager for one thing only: more adventures!









Morgane is an author and independent illustrator. Entirely self-taught, she puts theses into comic strips. As such, she has worked with the University of Montpellier the INRA. She is of course the illustrator of our graphic novel, a project which she sees as her very own Transcontinental Race. She uses her faithful mountain bike daily to climb the hills of the Roya valley where she lives.

 Les Increvables en Selle

96 avenue Francis de Pressensé

44000 Nantes


tel: +33 7 66 26 33 36


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